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Monday, June 8, 2009

Adrea's Preschool Graduation

Adrea had Preschool Graduation a couple weeks ago. It was really fun. They sang a bunch of songs. They prepared for several weeks practicing their songs. She was so proud to graduate from Preschool. I can't believe that she is old enough to graduate

from preschool. I am going to be so sad when she starts Kindergarten in August! I don't want her to be gone every single day of the week. It will be a big adjustment, but I know she will love it. Every time that we drive past the Kindergarten building she points at it and says how she can't wait to go to Kindergarten. However, her best friend from Preschool will not be going with her, which makes her a little sad, she is to young and will be going to another year of preschool. But, she is excited to make new friends.


Mary said...

SO cute!

Lance and Darcie and Auzzy said...

Oh my how our girls get older!

Chance and Beth said...

Yea! I'm glad I found your blog! I can't believe how big your kids are! Kindergarten, wow. They are really so cute!