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Tuesday, February 3, 2009

The poor snowmachine!

So Nick decided to go Snowmachining on Saturday. He got up to the parking lot unloaded his sled and a couple minutes later got ran over by a Suburban with a snow plow on the front of it. Luckily nick was trown off the sled and was not hurt too badly he is still pretty sore, his back is hurt pretty bad, but for the most part he is ok!
The sled is a diffent story it probably has at least $3,000 worth of damage.
The guy that hit him, ran off after the accident and the sheriff had to track him down. What a scum bag, first he hits Nick with out even swerving or hitting the breaks at all, and then takes off!
Oh well, My husband is ok that is all that matters!!!!


Celeste said...

How scary! Bo likes to go dirt biking. I'm glad he has a fun hobby, but I get nervous when he goes.

I love blogging! If you don't mind, I'm going to put yours on mine.

Celeste Christensen Porter

anna said...

Man I'm glad that he is ok, but what a turd!!!!! I would be absolutely furious. Is your insurance going pay for it? Or did the sheriff find him?